1. Open Illustrator.
  2. Create a new document, 800 pixels by 800 pixels.
  3. Select the ellipse tool in the toolbar.
  4. In the center of the document, create an oval taller than it is wide.
  5. Change the fill color to the color of your room's walls.
  6. Remove the stroke. No shapes in this picture will have a stroke.
  7. Select the rectangle tool in the toolbar.
  8. Below the oval, create a rectangle of the same color. It should be taller than it is wide, and about half as wide as the oval.
  9. Click the selection tool.
  10. Position this rectangle to be centered with the oval, overlapping it, so the two shapes are combined.
  11. Select the ellipse tool again.
  12. Create an oval the same width and color as the rectangle.
  13. Click the selection tool.
  14. Position this oval below and centered with the rectangle, overlapping it so that the two shapes are combined. The oval should “round off” the bottom of the rectangle.
  15. Create another oval, this one small and wider than it is tall. Change its fill color to the main color of your shoes.
  16. Click the selection tool.
  17. Position this oval within the oval you just created, centered and towards the bottom.
  18. Select the rectangle tool again.
  19. Create a small rectangle taller than it is wide.
  20. Click the selection tool.
  21. Position this rectangle above and to the right side of the first oval you created, overlapping it.
  22. Use the handles on the corner of the shape to rotate it at a roughly 45-degree angle, so that the top of the rectangle faces away from the center of the oval.
  23. Copy and paste this rectangle.
  24. Position this new copy to the left side of the oval, overlapping it.
  25. Rotate this rectangle at a roughly 45-degree angle the opposite direction as the first, so that the top of this rectangle faces away from the center of the oval. The two rectangles should roughly mirror eachother.
  26. Select the ellipse tool.
  27. Create a small oval taller than it is wide. Change its fill color to the nearest light source.
  28. Click the selection tool.
  29. Position this oval on top of and centered with the first oval you created. Move it to the right side of the oval, still within the shape.
  30. Copy and paste the small oval.
  31. Move the copy to the left side of the first oval’s center, still within the shape. The two small ovals should roughly mirror eachother.
  32. Export your finished picture as a png.
  33. Send to cdavis42@masonlive.gmu.edu.

Intended Final Result

